Gideon threw up his hands. “I don’t understand,” he said. “What more do they need?”
Tazri wheeled back to face him. “A plan!” she said. “A strategy! They need to know how they fit into the army and the overall plan of attack. They need to know that if they do what they do best, they’re going to help another part of the army do better. They know what they can do, but you have to figure out how it all fits together and explain it to them.”
タズリは猛然と彼に対峙した。「計画です! 戦略です! 皆、自分が軍の中で、攻撃の全体計画を把握し、その中でどういう役割を果たすかを知る必要があります。最善を尽くせば、軍の別の部署がより良く行動できることを知る必要があります。自分にできることは皆知っていますが、あなたはそれをどのように一つにまとめるかを理解し、彼らに説明しなければなりません」
Tazri, who had killed and seen friends killed often in her young life, who had never before shed tears during a fight, began crying.